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All You Need To Know About LMS

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

  • Research by Brandon Hall Group shows that 54% of organizations that have invested in learning technology have seen improvements in productivity and engagement.

  • The LMS market is expected to be worth over $15.72 billion in 2021.

  • 7% of global Fortune 500 companies now use some form of educational technology to instruct employees during formal learning hours

All these stats and more, show the importance of an LMS in an organizational structure. Haven’t heard of LMS before? Curious to know more? If so, read on!

A software-based platform that helps in the delivery, management, and measurement of the e-learning programs undertaken by various EduTech companies, is what Learning Management System stands synonymous to. Considered a powerhouse of the modern era’s learning technology solution, an LMS functions as an essential component when aiming to devise an effective learning strategy.


From compliance training to certification management, from sales enablement or skill reinforcement, Learning Management Systems (LMS) are used to by most of the established EdTech companies across the world to cater to a variety of learning strategies/need, ranging from formal, experiential and social learning to managing functionalities.

Not only this, with the onset of new technology, and the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, LMSs have evolved too. With improved data collection and enhanced activities like mobile learning and gamification, the LMSs are sure to drive greater traffic, increase user engagement, boost productivity and considerably promote the culture of continuous learning, constant evaluation, and on-the-go upskilling.



Talking about LMS it is important to know about the features it gives, as only then can someone make the right choice in choosing the ideal learning management system and the appropriate EduTech company to deploy it at the organizational level.

1. Data-Driven Results

This is the era of data-driven results. Be it tracking or reporting, analyzing, or decision making, everything today is data-driven and thus, even an LMS is well-equipped to do so. From knowing how long the lessons took to the lesson revisit rate, from having structured training reports to detailed information evaluation, LMS works towards reaping benefits by exploiting and constantly analyzing the data collected.

2. Tools For Testing And Assessment

Perfect practice makes a man perfect, and this perfection can only be attained when there is a continuous testing and assessment mechanism to evaluate the learnings. And, the modern-day LMSs do just the same. Be it assisting the trainers in knowing how the employees have performed to helping the associated teams to devise better strategies and methodologies to impart the topic content, the testing, and assessment tools incorporated in the learning management systems are sure to revolutionize the way of working.

3. Responsive Learning/Mobile Application

Today, people are not restricted to only desktops when accessing information. From mobiles to tablets, there are various smart devices through which data can be accessed and learning can be boosted. And so, one of the USPs of an LMS should definitely be its gadget-friendliness. Compatibility and multiple-device support not only ensure a greater engagement of the users but also help the employees to upskill themselves on the go, thus benefiting the organization as a whole.


4. Customization Options

Every company is different and works on different dynamics to tackle the cut-throat competition, and so it becomes an important aspect to consider that whatever is deployed by the company should be in synch with their brand, have a reflection of the brand ideology and should help people connect well with it. And that’s exactly what the process of customization helps in.

From making the eLearning project more appealing to taking care of the interface nuances, the customization option ensures that the branding of the company is taken a notch up. Be it adding a few of the gamification elements or the ensuring multi-language support, customization is thus the key to win costumers with ease today.

5. Course Catalogue Feature

An important feature of the present-day LMSs is that of the course catalog which facilitates the user as well as the associated organization in imparting knowledge and in receiving it at their own pace. From creating one’s own directory of courses to personalized keyword searches, from cloud storage of lecturers to adjusting the assignment deadlines, this feature can definitely help the Training Management System deployed by a company to cater to a diverse public and achieve better functionality and thus, improved results.

6. SCORM Or xAPI Compliance

SCORM compliance is considered to be the need of the hour as this feature enables one to create their courses in any authoring environment and then run it in their SCORM compliant LMS. As a result of this, it enables the user to report, assess, and evaluate the learner’s ability no matter where one is.

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Besides SCORM, xAPI compliance is also an amazing tool to share learning between multiple applications and systems. xAPI is an integral part of eLearning, especially if when it comes to the on-the-go learning culture i.e., informal and mobile learning. It not only helps track the learners’ progress but also plays a major role in assessing the data collected and the personalized learning path followed by them.

Logical Learning Company is a leading EduTech firm that specializes in providing end-to-end learning solutions to its customers. Not only in deploying learning management systems but they have also created a niche in the market as a touch device and POS manufacturer, customized OEM, and ICT player provider. So, if you are looking for a company to place your trust in, we assure you that you won’t regret choosing us.

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